Five Ways to Practice Simple Living

For when life gets overwhelming

3 min readMar 29, 2022
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Life gets overwhelming, and it often feels like the world is moving faster than your inner world. And in times like those, the most important thing is seeking peace.

Simple living has many definitions and representations, but one thing is common — it intends to make life easier and make the little things more enjoyable.

At 23, my goals and dreams have changed. I want my life mind to slow down enough to enjoy life and be present. And simple living is the biggest part of that.

But one thing you need to understand is that discovering how to live simply does not mean the big things in your life don’t matter. Rather, it’s a way to turn your overwhelming life into a joyful and peaceful one.

Here are 5 simple ways to practice simple living in your life.


Is your inbox driving you crazy? Is it filled with newsletters and long article websites you subscribed to, hoping you would read those articles someday? Or is your Instagram feed full of people and pages you don’t care about?

Unsubscribe. Let go of the digital clutter in your life, and feel that freedom of using social media and email inboxes more mindfully. Social media can be fun but use it with an intention. Unfollow people and mute pages you don’t want to see on your feed. See how you feel. Do you feel lighter?

Do nothing on your day off from work

This might not be an option for everyone, but if you can, then treat your day off from work as a day off instead of filling it with a million tasks. I know you want to be productive because you have no work, but try to get some relaxation in. Run those errands, complete that project, put on a face mask, do some budget, or tidy up the entire house — at your own pace.

Have tech-free moments in your day

We are all guilty of spending too much time on our phones and laptops and carrying them from one room to another, switching from one app to another.

Sometimes I feel that I am never without my phone during the day. Even when hanging laundry or cleaning my room, I need music or listen to a podcast. But when I think that I’m relaxing with my phone, I never realize that I’m filling my brain with an overload of unnecessary information.

So take a break and let your eyes get some rest away from your phone. Unplug and watch a movie on your TV while your phone is in another room. Really watch the movie and not scroll on Instagram. Buy some cheap coloring books and color in silence.

Give yourself a time out

I am always doing something. Either it’s a book I’m reading, a Netflix show I’m watching, or music I’m listening to.

But sometimes, you need to take a deep breath, pause, and stop everything you’re doing. Stop feeling like you have many things to accomplish, and stop feeling like time is slipping away from your hands.

Sit and enjoy your coffee. Eat a meal without distractions. Just lay on the couch and let your mind wander.

Focus on a single task

Simple living is all about mindfulness and slowing down.

Multitasking may seem like you accomplish more, but it’s better for your mental health and productivity when you focus on one single task. You make fewer mistakes, and you do not feel the overwhelming stress of having to do a lot of things.

Simple living helps you reconnect with your inner peace and ground you to a more relaxed state of mind. We’re always trying to get ahead in life and do more and be more, but are you really living? Do you remember the last time you slowed down and truly appreciated life?

You don’t need anything else. Start noticing ways to slow down and live life with intention.

Sip your coffee without looking at your phone. Get rid of digital clutter. Let go of things that don’t serve you.

Happy living!




I like coffee, existing quietly, and making simple things complicated.