A Simple Guide to Doing a Mindset Detox & Gaining Mental Clarity

Tips for finding your peace and calm in an overwhelming world

2 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

It isn’t easy to maintain mental clarity in an age where toxic positivity is running people’s social media lives. If you are someone who has tried to always “be positive,” you may have noticed that it’s not easy and how it makes you feel worse than before.

I’m sure many of you — like me, have experienced information overload before. Whether news, articles, videos, emails or even a conversation with a friend, things can cloud your brain and make you feel like the entire world is on your shoulders.

In my pursuit of finding my peace in this world, I have found that doing a mindset or mental detox can do wonders for your well-being.

Here are a few simple ways to do a mindset detox.

Let your brain rest

If your head feels like it will explode, maybe you need to give it a break. Bring awareness to what’s triggering the cloudy feeling in your brain and let go of additional responsibilities, tasks, and thoughts.

Think about what’s taking up your headspace and try to clear your head. Do a brain dump by scribbling about things bothering you on a piece of paper. Sit in silence with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. Do what works for you.

Protect your energy

Your energy is valuable. If you’re anything like me, you can easily get influenced by people’s negative energy. People like us need to protect our inner peace and identify where we spend our energy.

For example, be mindful of the information you’re consuming online and stop watching the news or social media completely if that helps. Follow people and pages who only add value or positivity to your life.

Enjoy the power of solitude

Solitary activities like meditation, reading, watching a favorite movie, or coloring can help you reset and calm your mind. Whether you’re living in a noisy, overstimulating environment or the outside world seems too much, go to your room if possible, close the door and enjoy the incredible power of solitude and doing things you like alone.

Doing a mindset detox doesn’t have to be grand or complicated, and it is not another wellness practice you need to keep track of. But it is a lifelong process to find your piece of calm in this overwhelming and distracting world we live in.

What are some ways that help you clear your mind?




I like coffee, existing quietly, and making simple things complicated.